About Me
Brie Vicek (Scenic Designer & Visual Artist) Studied at the University of Northern Colorado where she received a BA in Theatre Arts for Scenic Design and a BA in Visual Arts for Studio Painting. Her continuing interest in design and a full graduate assistantship took her across the country, where she lives with her husband and is now a graduate of the Theatre Design Master of Fine Arts program at the Pennsylvania State University. Most recently, she designed Bernstein's Mass for Penn State’s College of Art & Architecture's 50th Anniversary Celebration. Some favorite past design credits include Guys & Dolls, Footloose, Three Sisters and Handel’s Xerxes. While at Penn State, she served as the paint shop coordinator and part time faculty teaching beginning and advanced scenic painting courses. This past Summer she assisted in teaching a Penn State graduate study abroad course in Eastern Europe, encompassing attendance at the 2015 Prague Quadrennial. This summer she was welcomed again to teach the grad student trip in Italy. Recent and favorite scene painting production credits include Blood at the Root, Into the Woods, Sweeney Todd, Loves Labors Lost, In the Red and Brown Water, and From Up Here. A love for design and the integration of the arts continues to inform and propel Brie, as she moves forward in her career.
Thank you for sharing your time with me. If you have any questions, like what you see, or would like to know more about anything you've seen here, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] or use the form on the Contact Page!
For a complete listing of my design work, publications, teaching experience, and community involvement please click here: